Plains Art Museum announces Spring Gala theme: Time Machine

Plains Art Museum announces Spring Gala theme: Time Machine

Plains Art Museum and Presenting Sponsor Bell Insurance announce Spring Gala: Time Machine on Friday May 3, 2019 from 7:00 pm – Midnight. Tickets are available for purchase at https://plainsart.ejoinme.org/timemachine for $90 through April 15, and $100 per ticket thereafter.

Supported by hundreds of attendees and dozens of sponsors each year, this event is one of the area’s most anticipated fundraisers and art parties. Enjoy live music from Post Traumatic Funk Syndrome, hors d’oeuvres from Chef’s Table, Concordia, Urban Foods, and Nichole’s Fine Pastry, a live spectacle by Red River Dance & Performance Company, event design by the mad geniuses at Livewire, the area’s largest public wine tasting courtesy of Happy Harry’s Bottle Shops– and as always the area’s premier silent auction for art.

This year’s Spring Gala co-chairs are Katie & Brett Itterman and Erica & Patrick Chaffee.  Attire at the Spring Gala is often creative, but wear whatever makes the event fun for you! Take inspiration from the theme, fashion, art, music from your youth, or just put on your going-out-on-the-town best.

The Spring Gala is not only Fargo’s most anticipated art party. It is also an incredible fundraiser that provides tens-of-thousands of dollars in support of the Museum’s educational programs and the PlainsArt4All General Fund, which enables the Museum to offer free general admission for all visitors.

Plains Art Museum is your nonprofit art museum and education center, supported by over 800 individuals and organizations. The Museum and its Katherine Kilbourne Burgum Center for Creativity encompass the largest and only accredited art museum in North Dakota. It is located in downtown Fargo at 704 First Avenue North. For more information about visiting or supporting your art museum, visit www.plainsart.org.