Fargo Library Introduces New ‘Lucky Day’ Collection

Fargo Library Introduces New ‘Lucky Day’ Collection


The Fargo Public Library’s new “Lucky Day” collection launched Monday, Nov. 4.

The library’s new “Lucky Day” collection launched on Monday, Nov. 4. This collection is designed to help patrons check out popular new books and bestsellers. The purpose of the “Lucky Day” collection is to provide the most popular books available immediately to patrons visiting the library. If the book is on the shelf, it is available to checkout with no holds or waiting.

The collection will be available at all three Fargo Public Library locations. All items in the collection are first come, first serve. Each cardholder can have up to two “Lucky Day” collection books checked out at one time for one week with no renewals.

Items available in the collection will change all the time, so visit the library often to see what is available. A Fargo Public Library card in good standing is required to check out items from the collection. For more information, contact Jason DeShaw at 701.241.1498.