All Middle and High Schools in ND to Receive Virtual Reality Headsets

All Middle and High Schools in ND to Receive Virtual Reality Headsets

CareerViewXR, an immersive ed-tech startup, has announced a new North Dakota statewide initiative to make immersive learning more accessible. As part of this initiative, CareerViewXR will donate over 300 HTC VIVE virtual reality headsets to both public and private secondary schools.

These headsets will be distributed beginning on February 11-13 during the 2024 NDCA Annual Conference at the Bismarck Hotel and Conference Center. Career counselors from across North Dakota will be attending the event, and any unclaimed headsets will be made available to the appropriate schools through their regional ND Job Service office. EduTech will be providing professional learning and statewide support for this initiative.

HTC Vive Focus Plus VR headsets being prepared for the initiative. (CareerViewXR)

While there have been many individual schools and school districts across the U.S. harnessing the power of immersive media in the classroom, statewide deployments encompassing both public and private schools seem to be unheard of. CareerViewXR Co-founders Katie & Matthew Chaussee hope this initiative will inspire other states to implement VR headsets across their school districts.

“This initiative is one of a kind,” says CareerViewXR CEO and Co-Founder Matt Chaussee. “To our knowledge, North Dakota will be the first state in the country to put VR headsets in every public and private middle and high school.”

CareerViewXR CEO and Co-Founder, Matt Chaussee, with pallets of VR headsets. (CareerViewXR)

“We’re grateful to be living here in North Dakota, a small but connected state that supports entrepreneurship, workforce, and education,“ says CareerViewXR Co-Founder Katie Chaussee. “Providing these headsets to schools is a way we can ensure CareerViewXR is best positioned to address the career awareness gap, helping ensure every student has the opportunity to discover their dream job. The headsets also provide a great first step for schools to start exploring all immersive media solutions.“

It’s worth noting that February is National Career and Technical Education (CTE) month. To mark this occasion, a Fargo-based startup has pledged to donate a VR headset to every middle and high school in the state. This generous donation aims to get learners even more excited and engaged with potential career paths than ever before.