Concordia Professor To Discuss German Expressionism and American Pop Culture at Hjemkomst Center
Photos courtesy HCSCC

Concordia Professor To Discuss German Expressionism and American Pop Culture at Hjemkomst Center

The Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County will host Dr. Andrea Schmidt, Concordia College alumna and Assistant Professor of German, for a free lecture exploring the influence of German Expressionism on American pop culture. Schmidt will deliver the lecture, entitled “Of Light & Darkness: German Expressionism & American Pop Culture,” at the Hjemkomst Center on Tuesday, October 15, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

“Of Light & Darkness: German Expressionism & American Pop Culture,” at the Hjemkomst Center on Tuesday, October 15, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

The 100th anniversary of World War I and the birth of Weimar Germany have brought renewed attention to the cultural legacies of that era, though German Expressionism has long held influence over the American pop culture imagination – from the Joker and Sponegebob SquarePants to Blade Runner and a litany of comic books and horror movies. Schmidt will provide a brief introduction to the historical and industrial background of the Expressionist movement in Interwar Germany before tracing those influences in the United States. Her discussion will pause on major works like Nosferatu, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and The Man Who Laughs.

Admission is free and reservations are available at www.hcscconline.org/events. The event is offered in conjunction with two HCSCC exhibitions: America’s Monsters, Superheroes, and Villains: Our Culture at Play and War, Flu, & Fear: World War I and Clay County. Visitors are encouraged to come early to tour the exhibitions before the lecture.

For tickets, details or questions about accessibility and accommodations, please visit www.hcscconline.org or contact HCSCC Communications Manager Davin Wait at (218) 299-5511, ext. 6733, or davin.wait@hcsmuseum.org.

If You Go

Of Light & Darkness: German Expressionism & American Pop Culture
Hjemkomst Center
Tuesday, October 15
6:00 p.m.