2019 Downtown Fargo Street Fair: Your Complete Guide to Parking and More
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2019 Downtown Fargo Street Fair: Your Complete Guide to Parking and More

About 120,000 people are expected to attend this year’s Downtown Fargo Street Fair from July 18th through the 20th. The Street Fair, which covers over 8 blocks, extends North on Broadway from 1st Avenue N to 7th Avenue N, and head east on 4th Avenue N from Broadway to 2nd Street N. Free admission all 3 days and fun for all ages.

[button color=”blue” size=”big” alignment=”none” rel=”nofollow” openin=”newwindow” url=”https://downtownfargo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/11×17-format_updated1-1.pdf”]Vendor Map[/button]

New Entertainment Stage

A stage is new to the Street Fair this year and is programmed all 3 days. Entertainment on Thursday and Saturday will be filled with local acts such as the FMCT, Amped School of Music, local workout classes each morning, DJ’s and more. Friday’s stage Headliner: Brother Ali with Charlie Parr and special guests fill the stage with music of all genres sponsored by Property Resource Group in partnership with Livewire and Jade Presents.

[button color=”blue” size=”big” alignment=”none” rel=”nofollow” openin=”newwindow” url=”https://downtownfargo.com/2019-street-fair-stage-schedule/”]Stage Schedule[/button]

Amongst the 40 food vendors, 150 artists & crafters and 9 alcohol vendors, additional experiences to seek out are horse and carriage rides, petting zoo, face painting, wildlife from the Red River Zoo and so much more! Enhanced experiences everywhere you turn!

[button color=”blue” size=”big” alignment=”none” rel=”nofollow” openin=”newwindow” url=”https://downtownfargo.com/2019-street-fair-activities/”]List of Activites [/button]

“Improving the visitor experience and enhancing our community identity motivates the Downtown Community Partnership,” says Melissa Rademacher, President/CEO Downtown Community Partnership. “Fair-goers will find refreshments, children’s activities, live music and entertainment everywhere they turn this year.”

LinkFM will provide FREE rides and extended hours to fair-goers from the Moorhead Center Mall. Air-conditioned buses will take you straight from your car to the entrance to the fair. Additional buses have been added to provide 5-minute service to the fair.
Parking is available in Roberts Garage one block west of Broadway at Roberts Street and 2nd Avenue North (FREE after 5pm and on weekends) and select areas along Broadway. For more parking options please visit https://www.fargoparking.com or the street fair page at downtownfargo.com
Matbus available on scheduled routes. Fares are half price on Thursday & Friday and free on Saturday.

[button color=”blue” size=”big” alignment=”none” rel=”nofollow” openin=”newwindow” url=”https://downtownfargo.com/getting-to-street-fair-parking/”]Parking & Bus Map[/button]

The event has been held annually for more than 44 years by the Downtown Community Partnership (DCP) who’s mission is to bring together and support the businesses, promoters, advocates, and visionaries of historic Downtown Fargo and its future by connecting and partnering within our community and beyond.