Habitat for Humanity to dedicate 2nd home of 2016

Habitat for Humanity to dedicate 2nd home of 2016

Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity (LAHFH) has completed their 2nd of 3 homes built in 2016 and will celebrate with a home dedication.

On Monday, December 12, 2016 at 6:00pm, volunteers, donor, Habitat for Humanity representatives, Moorhead city officials, and, of course, the excited partner family will gather at 3112 32 nd Ave S to honor the hard work, the generous financial backing and the community support that made this home possible. A brief ceremony is planned for 6:00pm with a tour of the home to follow.

The homebuyers are more than a little eager to move into their new home. Malike Salehe radiates pride and excitement as he talks about his family getting their new home in Moorhead. He and his wife, Bebe, have traveled a hard journey to get to this place, but soon they will be settled into permanence they have never experienced before. Soon the family will move into their home, the third wonderful thing to happen for them this year.

“In December we are going to move into the new house and we are going to be very very happy. Because we have a new baby, a new house and we are new citizens,” Malike says.

They have completed over 500 hours of “sweat equity” helping to build the home, a basic tenet of Habitat for Humanity. They will repay the no-profit mortgage over a period of 30 years, illustrating Habitat for Humanity’s objective to give families a “hand up” rather than a “hand out.” Like all Habitat homes, a vast majority of the work was done by volunteers.

The public, neighbors, volunteers, and sponsors are welcome to come meet the family and tour the home.