“Lady Bird” is a heartfelt coming-of-age narrative that masterfully portrays a rebellious, young woman’s journey into adulthood. Greta Gerwig returns...
“Phantom Thread” introduces you to Reynolds Woodcock (Daniel Day-Lewis), a famed dress maker in 1950s London. Woodcock is extremely attentive...
“The Leisure Seeker” is a road movie that travels through a couple’s love, passion and dedication for one another. Ella...
Wes Anderson’s ninth feature film, and second stop-motion feature, is set twenty years in the future in the fictional, retro-futuristic...
Nicolas Cage is back in action, and this time he's invading your subconscious in Dream Scenario, now playing at the Fargo Theatre.
Catch "Poor Things", a Victorian-era romp with a feminist punch, at the Fargo Theatre starting Friday, December 22nd.
The Color Purple (2023), now playing at the Fargo Theatre, is a powerful and visually stunning take on a classic story.
Anatomy of a Fall is a sophisticated, cerebral, and deeply unsettling exploration of the human condition, but might not be for everyone.
American Fiction is a satirical rollercoaster ride through contemporary America's murky waters of race, art, and identity.
The French cinema masterpiece, The Taste of Things, by director Tran Anh Hung opens at the Fargo Theatre on Friday, February 23rd.