
Stella at Fargo VFW

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Stella returns to the VFW on Broadway.  Saturday night only this weekend.

Stella at VFW on Broadway

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Stella returns to the Fargo VFW for a second night.

Stella at VFW on Broadway

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Stella returns to the Fargo VFW.

TRICK of TEASE Drag Show

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

A HALLOWEEN Prequel Check out another great drag show from FM Drag United, featuring headliner Drag King Liquorite Hipsher along with a full cast of local favorites and another special guest Miss Victoria Winters A Trick or a Tease and a fun night of entertainment are yours to be had at the Downtown Fargo VFW Doors open at 8pm and show starts at 9pm-Come early to get a great seat and some great drinks.


Stella at Fargo VFW

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Guess who’s having a birthday tonight?  Your humble bass player.  Yes, you can buy me a drink, if you insist.

Stella at Fargo VFW

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Someone’s having a birthday this weekend.  Help the band celebrate.

Stella at Fargo VFW

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Back on Broadway for the Saturday show.

Stella at Fargo VFW

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Back on Broadway for two nights.

“The Decades” band at the Fargo VFW

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

"The Decades" will once again be at the Fargo VFW playing a combination of Classic Rock and Classic Country music.


Stella at Fargo VFW

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Stella!  Dance, Soul, Funk.  No cover. Public welcome.c live music tonight=

Stella at Fargo VFW

Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Spend an evening with Stella!  Dance, Soul, Funk.  No cover. Public welcome at the VFW.


Fargo VFW Post 762 202 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

The best entertainment happens downtown.  Spend an evening with Stella!  Dance, Soul, Funk.


The #1 Fargo, Moorhead, and West Fargo Events & Entertainment Guide! Find the best things to do in Fargo including concerts, movies, sports, live music, classes, art, breweries, shows, dancing, comedy, theater, karaoke, trivia, and more.


NOTICE: All events are subject to change. Fargo Underground is not responsible for the events posted on our website. The hosts reserve the right to make any changes whatsoever in the event owing to any unforeseen or unavoidable cause; or to cancel the event for any reason beyond their control without notice. Always confirm the event before attending.