FM Business Leaders Inspire Next Wave of Dreamers

FM Business Leaders Inspire Next Wave of Dreamers

Entrepreneur Mickeli Bedore initially planned a brief trip back home to surprise his cousin at her graduation. However, this visit has evolved into a theater show featuring prominent local investors and business builders from the Red River Valley.

Mickeli Bedore, a five-time founder and host of the event, thought it would be fun to inspire this year’s graduates across the Valley with live inspiration from some hometown heroes. He made a few calls, and everyone said YES!

The evening will showcase local investors and founders from well-known companies such as Drekker Brewing, PRX Performance (a Shark Tank alumni), and technology company Stoneridge Software. The event is designed to provide an interactive experience for attendees, allowing them to ask questions and hear stories from local entrepreneurs who have experience in the world of investing and entrepreneurship.

“Honestly, I would have LOVED the opportunity to have heard from other dreamers days before going out on my own back in 1999,” said Bedore. “To have someone to tell me point blank that you don’t have to be the smartest kid in class to live a great life would have been a game changer. So in true entrepreneurial fashion, we built that opportunity for this year’s grads seeking this knowledge.”

Bedore says he meticulously crafted the event with the intention of not only sparking inspiration but also offering actionable advice that attendees can implement as soon as they leave the venue.

“At the end of the day, everyone has dreams, but few take action,” said PRX Performance Co-Founder Erik Hopperstad, a local company doing $30m in revenue. “Everyone is SO hesitant to reach out to guys like me, but the truth is most of us are waiting for the call and opportunity to share our experiences. I really hope people come out to this as many will find, taking action isn’t as hard as they may think.”

During this unique event, attendees will have the opportunity to learn valuable life lessons. Moreover, there will be employment opportunities for both high school and higher education graduates, as representatives from the fastest-growing companies in the Valley will be present. From Drekker Brewing Co. to Stoneridge Software, local visionaries have established remarkable businesses that continue to grow each year.

“When Mickeli reached out to ask if he could host this event at the theater, I didn’t even hesitate to say yes,” said Hawley High School Principal Kelly Martin. “I am excited for the opportunity to host such a big-time event that is coming to our rural area to hear the stories and adventures of area graduates who blazed their own trails and have had extraordinary entrepreneurial success in the process.” 

The event is free and open to the public until tickets are gone. Tickets can be obtained online or by contacting Hawley High School.

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