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Minn-Dak Woodturners Association

Public invited to Moorhead Winter Woodturning Event on Jan 13

The Minn-Dak Woodturners Association is set to host the Winter Woodturning Extravaganza on January 13, 2024, at In the Chips, located at 303 21st Street North, Moorhead, MN. The free event will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will provide a unique opportunity for the public to learn more about the ancient art of woodturning.

Several skilled turners will be demonstrating multiple woodturning techniques such as bowls, pens, goblets, vases, hollow forms, and spindles. Visitors will also have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about shaping wood on a lathe.

The Minn-Dak Woodturners Association is a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners and holds monthly meetings where members exchange ideas, share projects, and learn new techniques from guest demonstrators. Visitors are always welcome to attend these meetings. For more information, visit their website at www.minndakwoodturners.org.

In The Chips is a one-stop shop for wood carving and woodturning enthusiasts of all skill levels. They offer classes, special events, and handmade gifts created by local artists. In The Chips also serves as the meeting and class space for the Minn-Dak Woodturners Association.

This event is a great opportunity to learn more about the ancient craft of woodturning and enjoy a day of creativity. Be sure to mark your calendars for January 13, 2024, and head to In the Chips to witness the magic of woodturning.

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