Concordia to bring Nationally Recognized Photojournalists to Moorhead

2023 Faith, Reason, and World Affairs Symposium

Concordia College

Speakers include photojournalists from National Geographic and Gallatin Photojournalism Lab

Concordia College invites the community to discuss the ways visual documentation and storytelling are at the heart of global communication at this year’s Faith, Reason, and World Affairs Symposium Tuesday, Sept. 19-Wednesday, Sept. 20. Main events are held in Memorial Auditorium on campus.

The symposium brings together experts in photojournalism and visual culture to explore issues of ethics, accuracy, bias, entertainment vs. shock value, community standards, new technologies, using images as a way to promote activism, and more.

Speakers include Whitney Latorre, former director of Visuals and Immersive Experiences at National Geographic Magazine; Lauren Walsh, director of the Gallatin Photojournalism Lab at New York University and director of Lost Rolls America National Archive; and Ami Vitale, National Geographic photographer and founder of Vital Impacts. There will be additional sessions featuring a variety of regional photographers and experts on visual storytelling.

All sessions for the symposium are free and open to the public. For a complete schedule visit

Since 1986, the college has hosted an annual symposium to address significant world issues from a Christian perspective by examining various points of view, enabling participants to make informed judgments.

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