Image courtesy MNDOT

Moorhead Releases 11th Street Railroad Underpass Simulations

If you’ve spent any time driving in downtown Moorhead, you’ve probably encountered a train crossing causing traffic to be backed up. The Minnesota Department of Transportation and the City of Moorhead have proposed a new double railroad underpass on 11th Street that would alleviate that issue.

MNDOT and the City of Moorhead are currently partnering on the layout and environmental documentation phase of an underpass project in downtown Moorhead at 11 St. The project includes two grade separations of Highway 10/75 under the BNSF Railway rail lines, paving, pedestrian accessibility (ADA) improvements, utility replacements and signals. Moorhead is bisected by multiple rail lines and this project provides many safety and mobility benefits by removing crossing blockages caused by heavy rail traffic.

To help visualize the underpass and changes to the roadways and surrounding neighborhoods, MNDOT and the City of Moorhead have created a set of video animations that show how traffic would flow through the proposed underpass. The videos are conceptual visualizations only and the final design, project limits, property impacts, and aesthetic treatments may vary.

11th Street Aerial View

11th Street – Street Level

11th Street MNDOT Aerial View

11th Street MNDOT Street Level

The project is not yet funded, but a request is pending with the Minnesota State Legislature. For additional information on this project, please visit the MnDOT District 4 website.