Floating Parade Celebrates Red River with Decorated Canoes
Photos by Friesen Photography

Floating Parade Celebrates Red River with Decorated Canoes

A floating parade will take place on Sunday, September 29th on the Red River near the Hjemkomst Center. The Canoe Parade is designed by Folkways to create a positive relationship between the Red River and its neighbors. The parade aids in cultivating a culture of outdoor recreation along the river and its trails, while fostering an appreciation for the Red River itself. 

Folkways’ 3rd annual Canoe Parade takes place on Sunday, September 29th at 2:00p.m. [Photo by Friesen Photography]
The parade route is a down-and-back paddle from the Hjemkomst Center boat launch at 202 1st Ave N, Moorhead to Riverfront Park at 210 8th St N, Moorhead. Vessels will turn around at the pedestrian bridge and return to the launch site. 

2019 Folkways Canoe Parade route map.

This floating parade is not your ordinary candy-slinging Main Street promenade. The Canoe Parade consists of canoes, kayaks, and their paddlers, both decorated and in costume, navigating down the river and competing for the chance to win the golden paddle for the best-dressed vessel. 

Spectators also play an important role in the event by creating an environment of excitement and revelry. The parade can be viewed from the river trails at Hjemkomst Center, former Usher’s House Restaurant, and Riverfront Park. 

The parade will conclude with an award ceremony at the Hjemkomst Center parking lot where spectators can get an up-close viewing of the canoes, speak to their creators, and hear the announcement of the grand prize winner who will receive the annual Golden Paddle, a gilded canoe paddle. 

For more information about entering a canoe or kayak in the parade and to find suggested viewing areas, please visit www.canoeparade.com

If You Go

Folkways 3rd Annual Canoe Parade
Sunday, September 29th, Parade Start – 2:00 P.M., Award Ceremony – 3:00 P.M.

Suggested Viewing Areas – The parade can be viewed from the river trails at Hjemkomst Center at 202 1st Ave N, Moorhead, former Usher’s House Restaurant at 700 1st Ave N, Moorhead, and Riverfront Park at 210 8th St N, Moorhead.

Parade Route – Down and back from Hjemkomst Center at 202 1st Ave N, Moorhead MN to Riverfront Park at 210 8th St N, Moorhead MN.

More information, vessel registration, and visitor guide at www.canoeparade.com 

Contact: Simone Wai, Folkways Organizer, 701-212-2722, simone@folkways.co