Folkways’ North Fargo Sudden Park returns with Ice Sculptures
(Photo - Folkways)

Folkways’ North Fargo Sudden Park returns with Ice Sculptures

The Sudden Ice Sculpture Park is a public park that engages the Horace Mann neighborhood and surrounding community in a collaborative winter art experience. With the support of the City of Fargo’s Arts and Culture Commission, Folkways, a local community building organization is creating an active park focused on celebrating winter with ice and snow.

The park will include snow packed and naturally formed ice sculptures created by the Folkways team, in collaboration with community members, and commissioned by local artists. On Sunday, January 15th, community members will have an opportunity to be the designer of their own ice sculpture. Event attendees will build mini models of their ideas with one selected by Folkways to be transformed into a life-sized sculpture at the park. The event is open to all ages and abilities.

One ice sculpture has already been installed on the site by the Folkways team with more being added all throughout the month. The park will officially open with a celebration on January 26th and remain open as weather permits.

(Photo – Folkways)

About Sudden Park

For over 45 years, Sahr’s Sudden Service Station operated as a gas station and auto mechanic at the intersection of 4th Street and 6th Avenue in Fargo. The local redevelopment company Kilbourne Group acquired the property in the fall of 2015 and offered Folkways use of the space. The Folkways team is activating the space to further engage the Horace Mann neighborhood and enhance the area’s connection with downtown Fargo.

Sudden Park is a Privately Owned Public Open Space or POPOS. These small park-like areas have been popping up around the country in lieu of traditional plazas. Last summer, the park was a venue for several community events and featured seating areas, plants, games, and a large mural.


Mini Model Build
Turn your ideas into mini ice sculpture models with help from Folkways
Sunday, January 15th, 3:00p.m. – 5:00p.m.
Horace Mann Elementary, 1025 3rd St N, Fargo, ND

Grand Opening
Thursday, January 26th, 5:00p.m.- 7:00p.m.
Sudden Park, 601 4th St N, Fargo, ND

Sudden Park Website: www.suddenpark.com
Folkways Website: www.folkways.co